A 5 segundos truque para Carlos Lula

After seven months of wearing a wig, Rousseff wore her natural dark brown hair at the launch of the 3rd Human Rights Program on 21 December 2009. She had announced in November that she would be retiring her wig as soon as her hair became more even.

4VídeoVioladas, embarazadas y torturadas: las mujeres saiba como botín de guerra en la dictadura de Pinochet

Wednesday’s sentence was related to accusations that Lula benefited from about £590,000 in bribes from a construction company called OAS, which the prosecution alleged was paid in the shape of a seaside duplex apartment, renovated at Lula’s request.

Lula’s main trial was built on the accusation that he received about US$1.15 million in bribes. According to the Attorney General's Office, the amount would have been passed on through a luxury apartment and a payment for the storage of the company's assets between 2011 and 2016, as gifts received when he was president.

Servidores do Hospital do Câncer do Maranhão nãeste sabem Ainda mais este que criar para conseguir que seus direitos sejam garantidos pelo governo do Estado.

Lula and the PT supported the public demand for a change in the electoral system. But the campaign was defeated by a vote in Congress that rejected an amendment calling direct elections for the following year, and, in 1985, a civilian president, Tancredo Neves, was elected by the same indirect procedure, with Lula's support. Only four years later, as a direct result of Diretas Já! and after years of popular struggle, the 1989 elections were the first in 29 years to elect a president by direct popular vote. Elections[edit]

Nonetheless, Favreto issued his ruling a second time, and this time federal Judge Joao Pedro Gebran Neto, the rapporteur on the case, stepped in to block website Favreto, who responded by making his ruling for a third time and giving police an hour to follow through with his request.

At a press conference on 25 April 2009, Rousseff revealed that she was undergoing treatment to remove an early-stage axillar lymphoma, a cancer in the lymphatic system, which was detected in her left armpit during a routine mammogram.

Still, an electoral court may not issue a final ruling barring Lula from the read more presidential contest until next month, creating a cloud of read more uncertainty hanging over the campaign. Sunday’s legal back-and-forth may encourage supporters holding out hope that he can still return to unite Brazil’s left.

Paulo". Abramo would take Reis' place and form a productive working partnership with Frias that extended for more than 20 years. In 1964, Folha de S.Paulo supported the coup that overthrew President Joãeste Goulart, and his replacement by a military junta; the military role would be only temporary—or so at least it was thought.

Há pelo congresso uma minoria qual se preocupa e read more trabalha pelo país, contudo há uma maioria do uns trezentos picaretas que defendem unicamente seus próprios interesses

Lula was convicted a year ago of accepting $1.2 million in bribes from contractor OAS, which prosecutors said was used to buy and renovate a luxury penthouse apartment in the seaside town of Guaruja.

La líder noticias de Podemos Andalucía declara en el juicio a un empresario que simuló un beso a la diputada

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